Location History 2014

This notebook uses my Google Location History data and prepares it to be used in a Leaflet map. It was inspired by Tyler Hartley's blog post.


In [1]:
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import json
import datetime


To extract my location history, I used Takeout, a service that allows users to download a copy of their data. Takeout covers various products and allows users to select between several file formats. I requested an archive of my location history in JSON format.


I loaded the data into a Pandas DataFrame, converted to usable units, and dropped unusable data points.

In [2]:
# Load the file
with open('LocationHistory.json', 'r') as fh:
    raw = json.loads(fh.read())

# Create the DataFrame
ld = pd.DataFrame(raw['locations'])
del raw

# Convert to typical units
ld['latitudeE7'] = ld['latitudeE7'] / float(1e7) 
ld['longitudeE7'] = ld['longitudeE7'] / float(1e7)
ld['timestampMs'] = ld['timestampMs'].map(lambda x: float(x) / 1000)
ld['datetime'] = ld['timestampMs'].map(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp)

# Rename fields based on the conversions we just did
ld.rename(columns={'latitudeE7':'latitude', 'longitudeE7':'longitude', 'timestampMs':'timestamp'}, inplace=True)
Source: Tyler Hartley.


In preliminary mapping, I found several coordinates outside of where I had traveled in 2014. Some coordinates were in Italy. Since I did not travel east of 115° W, though I would have liked to, I removed the erroneous points.

In [3]:
# Ignore locations with accuracy estimates over 1000m
ld = ld[ld.accuracy < 1000]
ld.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

# Remove erroneous data
ld = ld[ld['longitude'] < -115.0]

Next, I want to keep only the 2014 data.

In [4]:
# Create a year variable
ld['year'] = ld['datetime'].apply(lambda x: x.year)

# 2014 only
ld_2014 = ld[ld['year'] == 2014].sort(['timestamp'], ascending = [1]).reset_index(drop=True)
In [5]:


This section serves to obfuscate the few places I frequent often.

In [6]:
lat0 = XXXX
lon0 = XXXX
lat1 = XXXX
lon1 = XXXX
In [7]:
ld_2014['lat_rounded'] = ld_2014['latitude'].apply(lambda x: round(x, 3))
ld_2014['lon_rounded'] = ld_2014['longitude'].apply(lambda x: round(x, 3))
In [8]:
place0 = ld_2014[((ld_2014['lat_rounded'] == lat0) & (ld_2014['lon_rounded'] == lon0))]
place0.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)

place1 = ld_2014[((ld_2014['lat_rounded'] == lat1) & (ld_2014['lon_rounded'] == lon1))]
place1.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)
In [9]:
place0_sample = place0.ix[np.random.choice(place0.index, 0.050 * len(place0))]
place1_sample = place1.ix[np.random.choice(place1.index, 0.010 * len(place1))]
In [10]:
ld_2014_remaining = ld_2014[((ld_2014['lat_rounded'] != lat0) | (ld_2014['lon_rounded'] != lon0))]
ld_2014_remaining = ld_2014_remaining[((ld_2014_remaining['lat_rounded'] != lat1) | (ld_2014_remaining['lon_rounded'] != lon1))]
In [11]:
ld_2014_usable = ld_2014_remaining.append(place0_sample).append(place1_sample)
ld_2014_usable.reset_index(drop=True, inplace=True)


I first wanted to plot the coordinates. However, given the volume of data--the browser slows when trying to render that many objects--I decided to take a random sample of 20,000 points.

In [12]:
ld_2014_sample = ld_2014_usable.ix[np.random.choice(ld_2014_usable.index, 20000)]


GeoJSON and JavaScript

Here, I create a list of tuples of coordinates based on the sample to iterate through and output to a .geojson file.

In [13]:
coords = []

for row in ld_2014_sample.index:
    coords.append((ld_2014['latitude'][row], ld_2014['longitude'][row]))

Output the points to a GeoJSON file and modify a JavaScript file.

In [14]:
import json

geo_data = {
    'type': 'FeatureCollection', 
    'features': []

#for points in coords[441139:451139]:
for points in coords:

    # Each point is a GeoJSON "feature"
    feature = {
        'type': 'Feature', 
        'geometry': {
            "type": "Point", 
            "coordinates": [float(points[1]), float(points[0])]

            # A feature's "properties" become attribute columns in GIS
            'properties': {
                'points': points

    # Add the feature into the GeoJSON wrapper

with open('location_hist_2014.geojson', 'wb') as f:
    json.dump(geo_data, f, indent=2)
Source: Sam Maurer.

Next, I add the variable name to the top of the file, which I'll use in my Leaflet map, and save is as .js.

In [15]:
with open('location_hist_2014.geojson', 'rb') as infile:
    lines = infile.readlines()

    with open('location_hist_2014.js', 'wb') as outfile:
        outfile.write('var location_2014 = ')


Even with only 4.4% of my location data, the page was laggy.


Knowing that I wanted to create a hexbin layer, I output all of the usable data.

In [16]:
location_hist_for_csv = ld_2014_usable.loc[:, ['longitude', 'latitude']]
In [17]:
location_hist_for_csv.to_csv('location_hist_2014.csv', index=False)